The club is now utilizing a powerful state-of-the-art system called HamClubOnline or HCOL for short. This new system will allow us to better manage the club membership, events and assets. You may have already gotten an email welcoming you to the system. Simply visit, click “forgot password” and enter your callsign to get started. Or if you are a member of an existing HCOL-enabled club, you can use your existing password to access ALL clubs you are a member of. We plan on announcing events such as weekly nets, breakfasts, field day, and more through this new system via email. If you have any issues with HCOL, please reach out to N3CH.
2025 Summer Field Day
June 28-29
At the February meeting the board voted to hold the 2025 Red Rose Summer Field Day event at the New Holland Community Park. The address is 400 E. Jackson Street, New Holland. Pictured below is the pavilion that the club will be using. Note the red brick building to the right are bathrooms!
Field Day is ham radio’s open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio.

2024 RRRA Holiday Party
2024 Field Day – June 22-23rd

Field Day 2024 is upon us! This year our location is slightly different than previous years. Red Rose Repeater Association will be holding our activities at the Almshouse Building, 900 E King Street, across Broad Street from Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology. We will begin setting up at 12pm Saturday June 22nd. The actual ARRL-sanctioned event begins at 2:00 pm local time and runs overnight. Yes, we will be operating around the clock! Come learn what different antennas can do, as there will be at least 4 stations on the air, including several NEW radios that the club purchased this year.
We plan on having hoagies for lunch and pizza for dinner, you are welcome to bring any food or snack items you wish, we will also have a selection of drinks available.
You do NOT need to be a member, ham or even operate to participate, visitors and observers are more than welcome! This event is open to the general public.

Meeting Location
The meetings are every third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm at the Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, 750 East King Street, Lancaster Pa 17602. Below is a map of the campus, the building (Learning Resource Center) that we meet in is circled. Come enjoy some camaraderie with fellow hams and there will be refreshments too!

UHF Repeater
Try out Digital on the club UHF machine
Our UHF Repeater (449.575MHz) is updated and now has Yaesu C4FM digital mode and WiresX functionality. We are DTMF Mode ID 11283 and DTMF Room ID 21283. The repeater does analog as well. Try it out!